The time is now, tired of procrastinating
Ok, so I had a pretty unproductive day today. I woke up late, watched 3 movies, didn’t work out, didn’t do much of anything, and it feels pretty crappy. So it is some good motivation for me to get on the ball tomorrow. I don’t have any big plans for memorial day weekend, so I will use these two days to do some personal development stuff. First thing on the agenda is to do some work on I want to make it a little more interactive, try out some new features, throw on some progress bars for things that I am trying to get done. I may reuse the progress bar idea thing on life-tracker…but I think I should get james-cavanaugh going a little better first. I want it to be a place for me to put my notes, to put links to webpages, planning, and documenting whats going on with my life. I also want to have some automation going on with adding some pictures from picasa and all that jazz. Just wanted to throw that out there. If you don’t see any changes by this weekend, send me an e-mail…I need to set that up with my google too…Lots o stuff to do.